With so many online and video distractions available, it’s important to promote an active lifestyle in children of at all ages. Play allows children to use their creativity, imagination, dexterity and is important in healthy brain development. Despite the known benefits from play, time for free play has been markedly reduced for some children. Hurried lifestyles, changes in family structure and an increased importance on academics sometimes take precedent over free play time. Here are images of a wide range of active toys that we have designed over the years.
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Simple indoor stepping blocks can have thousands of uses in a child’s imagination. These simple toys are sturdy for rugged play but also nest for storage and minimize shipping. The Zip Line Trolley, Bounce Boards and Scooters are more complex items requiring multi-piece assemblies from a variety of materials including plastics, sheet metal and bungee line. These designs needed to have a low part count, be easy to assemble, and minimal part volume to keep production costs low yet they need to be robust enough to withstand physical abuse and harsh outdoor elements. These elegant designs help the client stand out in the crowded consumer market.